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Jaison's Pizza Dough Recipe (for the home oven) >>
Oct 7, 2010

This is a great sauce to have with steak, very tasty and it is quite simple to make.
Ingredients for a 4 steak sauce
Steaks of your choice
200ml cream
100ml Beef stock
50gram blue cheese
2 medium potatoes
1 carrot
25grams butter or Duck fat
2 tablespoons of oil
1 Tablespoon dark soya sauce
Salt and pepper to taste
Italian parsley for decoration
Peel and cut potato into thick flat chips
Peel carrot and slice thinly
Heat pan with oil and duck fat (or butter)till it is just below smoking, place in steaks and brown all over. Put steaks on a warmed dish and place in the oven at 125 deg C to rest, about 15 minutes for med rare.
Transfer oil and duck fat/butter to another fry pan and cook flat chips and when they are about half way cooked add carrot slices.
Turn the chips so both sides are cooked.
In the meat pan add cream, stock, Blue Cheese and soya sauce. Bring to the boil and then simmer to dissolve the blue cheese and reduce the sauce
A little flour mixed in cold water can be added to thicken if you like. Cook the flour out
Salt and pepper to taste.
To Serve
Pour the sauce onto warm plates, arrange the chips and carrot to make a nest for the steak to sit on, as in the image. Place the steak on top, sprinkle with cracked pepper and chopped Italian parsley
If you like Blue Cheese you will love this recipe.
Good with any Kerr Farm Red
Cheers Jaison